Similar to the AutoHotkey Alt-Click Window Drag post, I was used to resizing a window by pressing Alt + Right mouse button to resize a window.

The changes to the window drag script are minimal —

  • Change the bind key from !LButton to !RButton
    • This includes all the press and releases of the mouse button
  • Capture and store the initial mouse coordinates and window dimensions
    • Use these to resize the window accordingly

Here’s a closer look at the main loop. WinMove is used to adjust the window dimensions by taking the initial window dimension (win_w and win_h), and subtracting off the difference between the initial mouse coordinates (initial_mouse_x and initial_mouse_y) with the current mouse coordinates (mouse_x and mouse_y).

The result is when the mouse moves by a certain number of pixels, the window dimension is also adjusted by the same number of pixels.

      MouseGetPos, mouse_x, mouse_y
      WinMove ahk_id %id%, , , , win_w - (initial_mouse_x - mouse_x), win_h - (initial_mouse_y - mouse_y)

Here is the full script.

; alt-click-resize.ahk
; When Alt + right mouse button is pressed, resize the window under the cursor,
; as long as the window is not maximized, or a vnc viewer.
; Cody Cziesler
#SingleInstance force

  ; Get window under cursor
  MouseGetPos, , , id

  ; Abort if window is maximized
  ignore := flase
  WinGet, window_minmax, MinMax, ahk_id %id%
  if (window_minmax <> 0) {
    ignore := true

  ; Abort if app is a vnc viewer
  WinGetClass, class, A
  if (InStr(class, "vnc")) {
    ignore := true

  ; Send Alt + right mouse button (if not ignoring)
  if (ignore) {
    Send {Alt down}{RButton down}

  ; Get mouse and window position
  CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
  MouseGetPos, initial_mouse_x, initial_mouse_y
  WinGetPos, , , win_w, win_h, ahk_id %id%

  ; Reduce latency of movements
  SetWinDelay, 0

  ; Set the transparency
  if (!ignore) {
    WinActivate, ahk_id %id%
    WinSet Transparent, 150, ahk_id %id%

  ; Loop until right button released
  loop {
    if !GetKeyState("RButton", "P") {
    if (!ignore) {
      MouseGetPos, mouse_x, mouse_y
      WinMove ahk_id %id%, , , , win_w - (initial_mouse_x - mouse_x), win_h - (initial_mouse_y - mouse_y)

  ; Reset the transparency
  WinSet Transparent, Off, ahk_id %id%

  ; Release Alt + right mouse button
  Send {Alt up}{RButton up}
