This script will toggle whether a window will always be on top when the Ctrl + Space key is pressed. It will also display a ToolTip.

The first part of the script uses WinSet with the AlwaysOnTop subcommand to toggle the always-on-top status.

  ; Toggle AlwaysOnTop
  WinSet, Alwaysontop, , A

The last part displays a ToolTip that displays whether the current window has the AlwaysOnTop flag set and the window title.

First, WinGetTitle is used to get the window title. Then, WinGet is used to get a bitmask of the ExStyle — bit 4 contains whether the AlwaysOnTop flag is set. Either way, ToolTip will display a message for 500 ms. Calling ToolTip with no message will remove the popup.

  ; Get the window title
  WinGetTitle, title, A

  ; Use ExStyle to figure out if AlwaysOnTop is set, and display a ToolTip
  WinGet, ExStyle, ExStyle, A

  if (ExStyle & 0x8) {
    ToolTip, AlwaysOnTop - "%title%"
  } else {
    ToolTip, Not AlwaysOnTop - "%title%"

  ; Wait 0.5 seconds and disable the ToolTip
  Sleep 500

Here’s the full script.

#SingleInstance force
  ; Toggle AlwaysOnTop
  WinSet, Alwaysontop, , A

  ; Get the window title
  WinGetTitle, title, A

  ; Use ExStyle to figure out if AlwaysOnTop is set, and display a ToolTip
  WinGet, ExStyle, ExStyle, A

  if (ExStyle & 0x8) {
    ToolTip, AlwaysOnTop - "%title%"
  } else {
    ToolTip, Not AlwaysOnTop - "%title%"

  ; Wait 0.5 seconds and disable the ToolTip
  Sleep 500
